SEO Friendly Content Writing

How to Write SEO Friendly Content

SEO or Search Engine Optimization can and will help your web page or your business put its best foot forward. When you want quite a number of people visiting your web page, people who are most likely to follow up on the call to action of your web page. Then you want content that’s SEO friendly. Here are five tips to help you write content that’s SEO friendly.

Research SEO Keywords

Take a minute to think about the keywords. In other words, the terms potential readers can and will enter in a search engine to bring up your web page and content as a potential search result. Also, think about the ways the same keyword can be synchronized in search engines. For example, say your post is about setting up a small vegetable garden. While “small vegetable garden” is one possible search phrase, “how to start a garden” is also another possible search result that can bring readers to your web page. Apart from using the actual keywords, you came up with, using variations of it is another way to boost the SEO. You can also spend some time entering keywords into search engines to see what brings up the posts of more successful web pages or bloggers.

USE the Keywords!

Use the keywords that you so painstakingly researched for – in the URL of the web page of the content you have created. The headline of your post, subheaders, image alt text, meta description and of course, throughout the content. You don’t have to force it in at places where it doesn’t seem natural for the keyword to flow. At the end of the day, you’re writing for readers and not search engines! Excessive use of keywords also leads to a probability of being marked down by search engines. Aim for 2-2.5% of your content to be keywords. The keywords that you came up with, and the variations of it. So if your content is 1200 words long, you want about 12 keywords in there to boost the SEO of the web page.

Link Up

Add one or two external links, for example, links to other web pages that can aid in your reader’s quality of understanding about the content that you’re sharing. The more reputable the website, the better. This tells search engines that you are of a credible source because you are associating yourself with good, quality content. You can also add a few internal links to relevant web pages within your website so that your readers will spend more time on your website. Internal links also help search engines when they are crawling your site to better understand the nature and focus of your website. Like keywords, these should be used as naturally as possible, rather than being used for the sake of boosting your SEO with no real added value to the content.

Proofread, proofread, proofread!

At the end of the day, content is king. Search engines favour web pages that have content that is of quality and is relevant. The last thing you want for your business is for visitors to be disappointed after reading your content. Spelling mistakes, especially of your keywords, can affect the quality of your content and have a counterproductive effect on your SEO strategy. Formatting issues, grammar issues are all ghastly errors that can also bring down the quality of your content. If your content is a post that’s based on research, make sure that you have not plagiarized your content. Google penalizes plagiarism and ranks web pages with plagiarized content lower in its results. Also make sure that your content is engaging, has an authentic voice and can be of value to a potential visitor. These are indirect ways to stand out from the competition and to boost your SEO.

Promote Your Content

Search engines rank posts according to their algorithm of popularity and relevance. While waiting for search engines to give that boost, give your content a head start by driving traffic towards it through social media. Your newsletters and even as simple as messaging your friends the link to your web page. If you have successful content, people will also want to share it, and this will help you. In other words, it will help your web page, your business(brand) go beyond the readers and visitors you already have. You will achieve more clicks and more visitors. This will eventually lead back to improving search engines’ rankings of your web page. It is one more step towards making your content more SEO friendly.

Learn What is SEO and How Does It Work?
                                Learn What is SEO and How Does It Work?


SEO can be a very successful marketing strategy when done right. Because of the significant impact, it can create on your brand and your business, you want it on your side, working in favour for you. The next time you put out content, take a minute to check that it’s SEO friendly.

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